Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week 4 #1

I agree with Axiom 6--Similarity in chapter 10 which is " Similarity between persons reduce uncertainty, while dissimilarities produce increases in uncertainty." ( P127) ( Griffin, E. 2008 ). As the chapter explaintation, if both people are bog lovers, they will be easy to become friends because they are similarity. They will begin to understand each other from the bogs they have. They have the same issues to talk about. They feel comfortable to start their frinedship. But, if one person loves bogs, and another loves birds, they will feel hard to find the same issue to talk about. And it`s difficult to follow each other`s conversation. They will feel more difficult to start friendship than they are similarity. i love to look for friends who are similarity as me.

Griffin, E. ( 2008). Communication Theory. New York:McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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