Friday, October 24, 2008

week 9 #3

In chapter 26 mentions hegemony is that " the subtle sway of society`s haves over its have-nots." ( 336). Also, it talks about hegemony in the international scene that " hegemony usually refers to the preponderant influence or domination of one nation over another." A good example is that the stock market of the U.S. is crashed from two months ago. At the beginning, American people affected on it, but the happen goes very fast to spread out to the whole world now. Some countries even are bankrupt or will be bankrupt. Their situation is more serious than the U.S. Some people might say that this is the U.S` problem, how it is become other countries` problems. It`s hegemony in the in ternational scene. The problems in a strong contry must affect to others because others` economy, development, and culture are affected by the strong country.

1 comment:

daronstory said...

I find hegemony to be a very interesting concept from the reading. From one aspect, we must realize that hegemony is not the natural order of things, as we must assume that all are created equal. Thus, if it is not a natural, or set of unchangeable aspects, then there can be fluxuation in the hierarcy of the hegemony. The question becomes, how did this person, group, or country, come to be worth more than another. Now the United States for example, is a still a relatively young nation, only with about 200 years under its belt, but is established as one of the leading powers in the world, as shown with it stock market influence. However, the relationship is two-way, and the United States, can fall just as it has risen.